List of Projects by MD. Jashim Uddin

List of Projects by MD. Jashim Uddin. Click the Project Url to see details.

SL Project Title Project Description Project Url
1 Universal Windows Platform App This is a simple Universal Windows Platform (UWP) App simply known as Windows Store App to demonstrate a Library.
2 Form Validation A simple HTML form showing data on the same page with minimal CSS and javascript
3 Number Scramble Game Number Scramble Game using Drag and Drop with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
4 Snapshot App An Application to take Snapshot using Canvas and JavaScript.
5 SignalR Chat Application A real-time multi people chat application using a hub and persistent connection. The chat is also saved in the database.
6 iChat A real time Node.js chat app with file sharing.
7 Library21- AngularJS Project with .NET Core AngularJS Project with .NET Core which includes the following features:

• AngularJS Frontend (View) • MVC Core Backend (Server) • Two-way data binding (Using AngularJS Template) • Controller (AngularJS) • Service (Register Using Provider) • Scope, Directives, Custom Directives • Dependency Injection (Factory Pattern, Module Pattern, Controller) • Expressions • Filter • Form (Validation) • Component • Component-based Routing • Asynchronous Loading (await)
8 Offline Web App This Project demonstrates 4 types of Web storage for offline web application.
They are: 1. Web SQL, 2. Local Storage, 3. Session Storage, 4. IndexedDB.
9 WebForm Library Management System A Complete Library Management System Using Web Form. Separate Dashboards are used to different users according to their roles.
Technology Used: JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, C#, ASP.NET, TSQL
10 ADO.NET Project On Library Management System Features of the Application:

Login; Add Book Details; Edit Books Details; Delete Books Details; Issue Books to Student; Return Books From Student and adding in available stock; Search Books; Search Student; See students with book to be returned; Send sms/email to students regarding their books; Find books as per author name or publication name; Generate Crystal Reports of books, publications and the like for printing; Logout; Setting up software description.
11 ASP.NET MVC Code First Project On Library Management System ASP.NET Project On Library Management System with Code First Approach.
12 Angular With .NET Core Project On Library Management A Library Management Project where .NET Core is used in the server side and Angular is used in the client side.
13 SQL Project On Library Management System A SQL Project on Library Management System.
Separation of Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation language (DML) are applied.
14 Mock Design Mock Design is the initial planning of Software Development. This is created to demonstrate various mock design of projects.
15 WCF Services Various aspects of WCF Services are shown in the project such as RESTful Web Services, Service Library, Web Services etc.
16 Web API For Library An API Project On Library Management System. Client can access the required data through API.
17 ASP.NET MVC Database First Project On Library Management System This is an ASP.NET MVC project that demonstrates relational tables operation with the Database first approach.
This project also performs basic CRUD operations using ViewModel, Ajax, and PartialView.
Different Data types are used here (including images) along with Authentication and other basic operations in MVC.
18 Flutter File Downloader It is a complete file downloader Flutter application. Any file can be downloaded by simply supplying the URL of the file. Both Android and iOS devices can enjoy a smooth user experience.
19 Project Management System A Task and Project Management System using .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022.
Users can add tasks, and employees and assign tasks to the respective employee according to Task Id.
Authentication, Registration, and Login features are also available.