
About Us

Current Band Members

Office Bearers

Frank Scolyer


Music Library




Upcoming Events and Engagements
When What Where
July 14th (Sunday), 9:30AM Sea Sunday Service St George's Church (Burnie)
August 24th (Saturday), 2:00PM Celtic Force Burnie Arts & Functions Centre (Theatre)
August 24th (Saturday), 7:30PM Celtic Force Burnie Arts & Functions Centre (Theatre)
August 30th (Friday), 7:30PM Celtic Force Launceston Country Club Casino
August 31st (Saturday), 2:00PM Celtic Force Launceston Country Club Casino
August 31st (Saturday), 7:30PM Celtic Force Launceston Country Club Casino
September 15th (Sunday) 2013 State Band Championships  
November 30th (Saturday) Get Reel'n Concert Burnie Arts & Functions Centre (Theatre)

Latest News
  • For those who would like to enter online discussion and see extra band photos etc, why not follow our facebook site at https://www.facebook.com/pages/City-Of-Burnie-Brass-Band/124024960951599
  • Surrounding this section you will see some notices with information for both current band members and people who may like to join the band.
  • Band members with E-mail, who are not on Wayne Richards E-mail list, might like give their E-mail addresses to him so that they can be added to the list and kept up to date with any important information.
  • The band is getting NEW Uniforms. We have tried them on and you will see us in them soon.
  • The band will also have a valuably needed new set of Timpani drums in the near future.
  • In a huge surprise to me, the band has also acquired a brand new drum kit and I believe a Tenor horn as well.
  • Look out for the barbecue's we put on every few weeks outside the Upper Burnie Woolworth's store on Saturday mornings. These events help raise money for things such as the new uniforms and Timpani drums.

   Links Page                                      Contact Us                                     E-mail web site Administrator: harrison_1@bigpond.com