Bible Words Games
Bible words game is a puzzle game consisting of different bible puzzles targeted towards people who want to learn about the bible.
Technologies & Frameworks
The social proof
Responsive web design
Converted a static web design to a responsive web design for a florist company to make their e-commerce website compatible with mobile device screens.
Frameworks & Technology
- Server Code:Asp Classic
- Front end: Css , javascript, html , bootstrap, AngularJs
- Web server: Windows server with IIS web server
The social proof
Responsive Web Design
Converted a static web design to a responsive web design for a company that sells gifts online to make their e-commerce website compatible with mobile device screens.
Frameworks & Technology
- Server Code:Asp Classic
- Front end: Css , javascript, html , bootstrap, AngularJs
- Web server: Windows server with IIS web server
The social proof
Built a keylogger application that intercepts user input as they type on their devices keyboard.
Technologies & Framework & languages
- C# & C++
- Win32 & Windows Forms
- Platforms: Windows
The social proof