
Latest News

Current Band Members

Office Bearers

Frank Scolyer





July 14, 2010
Hello and welcome to another posting of Conbrio Online (the Latest News for the City Of Burnie Brass Band). Think of this as an online version of Con brio (the official newsletter for the City Of Burnie Brass Band). This page endeavours to keep all band members and other interested  parties posted on all the latest goings on for the band, so be sure to check it now and again to make sure you are up to date. In addition band members should also continue to check the White boards in the band room for upcoming playouts and events.

The band has just performed at the Launceston leg of Celtic Force 2010. Once again it was well received and the crowds at both the Matinee and Evening performances were quite good. We now continue to practice for the Burnie leg coming up on July 24.

Accomplished Pianist and Music Adjudicator, Sonny Chua will be here in Burnie from September 27th to October 3rd for a music workshop. It is expected that he will be present for our Tuesday (September 28) and Thursday (September 30) practices with our band at our bandroom. Band members should endeavour to make themselves available for these rehearsals and take note that the workshop ends with a concert on Sunday (October 3).

News Updates:

* The band is about to purchase a new Euphonium for a price of around $4,500. It is believed that Treasurer Jenny Watts will bring it back from Adelaide sometime in the next month or so.

* A note for band members involved in Celtic Force. Once again there will be morning rehearsals on both concert days. So be at both the Launceston Princess Theatre on July 3rd  and at the Burnie Arts & Function Centre on July 24th ready to rehearse at 10:00AM in the morning.

What Where When
Celtic Force Burnie Arts & Function Centre (Theatre) July 24, 2:00PM & 7:30PM
Annual General Meeting Band Room August 12, About 8:30PM
Devonport Eisteddfodd Devonport Entertainment Centre August 28 & 29
Sonny Chua Workshops   September 27 to October 3rd (Concert)
Small Group Burnie Uniting Church October 24

If you have any ideas on ways to improve this site or extra features that could be included then contact us with your suggestions.

Con Brio Online May 25, 2010
     Con Brio Online June 10, 2010

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