
Latest News

Current Band Members

Office Bearers

Frank Scolyer





August 12, 2010
Hello and welcome to another addition of Con Brio Online (The Latest News for the City of Burnie Brass Band). As usual this page endeavours to keep you up to date with the latest goings on with the band, so be sure to check it out now and again to make sure you are up to date. In addition Band Members should check out the White boards in the band room for upcoming playouts and events.

It's been a few weeks  since I (Web Administrator) have had access to the web editing software used to update this site. This was because the Burnie Online Access Centre where I have been using the program has moved from Burnie Portside building into the Burnie Library to become part of the Burnie LINK. In all the chaos it has taken some time to get Microsoft Expression web (an expensive web editing program) available for use once again. But now everything is back to normal.

It would be remiss of me not to mention to mention Dave Wilson who unfortunately had a nasty accident a few weeks ago in which he slipped on some ice while cleaning the roof of his home and sustained a number of injuries including a broken leg, pelvis and shoulder injuries. This has required an extensive stay at the North West Regional Hospital. At the time of this update, I believe that some modifications have been made to his house ready for when he comes out of hospital. The committee of our band in conjunction with the Wynyard Municipal Concert Band offered to pay for the TV service so that he could watch his TV whenever he wanted for the duration of his stay at the Hospital. As many would know, Dave was born in the UK and has played with a very distinguished list of bands including The Black Dyke Mills Band, the Muka Siver Band, our very own CBBB, and currently plays in the Wynyard Municipal Concert Band. We all wish Dave, Jan and family the very best and may he make a full recovery.

Don't forget the Annual General Meeting is being held at the Band rooms on Thursday August 12, at 9:00PM. It is believed that President Sandra French will be in attendance. With the departure of Bill Newton (Custodian) and possibly Karren Brodie (Secretary), their committee positions will need to be filled at the meeting.

What Where
Annual General Meeting Band Room August 12, 9:00PM
Annual Dinner & Awards   August 22
Devonport Eisteddfodd Devonport Entertainment Centre August 28 & 29
Sonny Chua Workshops   September 27 & October 3 (Concert)
Small Group Burnie Uniting Church October 24
Get Reel'n Burnie Arts & Functions Centre November 6
Lyons Club Burnie Arts & Functions Centre November 12

If you have any ideas on ways to improve this site or extra features that could be included then contact us with your suggestions.

Con Brio Online May 25, 2010       Con Brio Online June 10, 2010       Con Brio Online July 14, 2010

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