
Latest News

Current Band Members

Office Bearers

Frank Scolyer


Music Library




October 13, 2010
Hello and welcome to another addition of Con Brio Online (The Latest News for the City of Burnie Brass Band). As usual this page endeavours to keep you up to date with the latest goings on with the band, so be sure to check it out now and again to make sure you are up to date. In addition Band Members should check out the White boards in the band room for upcoming playouts and events.

The 2010 State Band Championships are fast approaching. Back in April we believed that The 2010 Nationals in Hobart were to Double as the State championships, but we now know a separate State championships are to be held in Launceston at the Scotch Oakburn College on October 16. A number of big changes are to occur to the usual format in these Championships. They are as follows :-
               * Our brass band section of the championships is being held on SATURDAY
               * Bands will only need to sign in once and Play all their music on stage in the one session.
               * Bands will play a Test Piece, an Own Choice Piece (I believe an 8 minute time limit applies) and the Hymn.
* There will be no Stage March, Street March or Inspection.

These changes should hopefully make for a shorter championship day and make Band Championships more appealing to players, adjudicators and audiences alike. Once again our band will be the only band competing in the C Grade section. Our Test Piece is Variations on 'Laudate Dominum', our Own Choice is Fanfare and Variations and our Hymn is Blaenewern. We are due to warm up at 8:30AM and be on stage at 9:00AM.

Updates: - A new tab called Music Library has been added to the main menu on the side of this web page. It is currently a work in 
                  progress, but will eventually list All the Music that currently exists in the CBBB library.

What Where
State Band Championships Launceston (Scotch Oakburn College) October 16, 8:30PM
Small Group Burnie Uniting Church October 24, 2:00PM
Get Reel'n Burnie Arts & Functions Centre November 6
Rhodo Gardens Burnie Rhododendron Gardens November 14
Smithton Christmas Parade   December 10

If you have any ideas on ways to improve this site or extra features that could be included then contact us with your suggestions.

Con Brio Online May 25, 2010       Con Brio Online June 10, 2010       Con Brio Online July 14, 2010      

Con Brio Online August 12, 2010       Con Brio Online August 18, 2010       Con Brio Online September 9, 2010    

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