
Latest News

Current Band Members

Office Bearers

Frank Scolyer


Music Library



May 25, 2011
Hello and welcome to another addition of Con Brio Online (The Latest News for the City of Burnie Brass Band). As usual this page endeavours to keep you up to date with the latest goings on with the band, so be sure to check it out now and again to make sure you are up to date. In addition Band Members should check out the White boards in the band room for upcoming playouts and events.

1st Anniversary of web site

Today (May 25, 2011) marks the 1st Anniversary of the commissioning of this web site dedicated to the City of Burnie Brass Band. Thanks must go to those who have contributed information over the last year to make this happen. May the web site continue to thrive and evolve over time.

The Band's section of the 2011 Burnie Eisteddfod has just been held. Congratulations must go to the Wynyard Municipal Concert Band for taking out the event with 88 points just ahead of the CBBB in second place with 86 points.

Margaret Scolyer, (wife of the late Frank Scolyer) is currently recovering in Hospital from a major operation. A number of people recently attended her 80th Birthday celebration held in the band rooms and we all send our best wishes to her to make a full recovery.

Les Neish is an apparent Tuba player and musician of great note who has a popular presence on YouTube. This presence on YouTube has lead to him being noticed by one of our band members who has had regular E-mail discussions with him. As a result of these discussions, there is a possibility of the Burnie Council contributing money to have Les visit Burnie for work shops with the CBBB and other musical groups around Burnie. Other possibilities include Les acting as an Adjudicator at the October State Band Championships. More information about this as it comes to hand.


04/08/2011 - Margaret Scolyer recovered and out of hospital for a number of weeks now.
                    - The Annual General Meeting shall be held tonight in the Band room at 9:00PM

What Where
Sea Sunday Service St Georges Church (Burnie) July 10, 9:30AM
Songs of Praise Baptist Church (Burnie) July 17, 2:30PM
Celtic Force Princess Theatre (Launceston) August 20, 2PM & 7:30PM
Celtic Force Burnie Arts & Functions Centre (Theatre) August 27, 2PM & 7:30PM
Annual Diner Burnie RSL Club August 28, 12PM for 12:30PM

If you have any ideas on ways to improve this site or extra features that could be included then contact us with your suggestions.

Con Brio Online May 25, 2010       Con Brio Online June 10, 2010       Con Brio Online July 14, 2010      

Con Brio Online August 12, 2010       Con Brio Online August 18, 2010       Con Brio Online September 9, 2010    

Con Brio Online October 13, 2010     Con Brio Online November 5, 2010     Con Brio Online December 8, 2010

Con Brio Online December 17, 2010    Con Brio Online March 3, 2011    Con Brio Online April 20, 2011

Con Brio Online May 4, 2011

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