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Monday April 25th, 2022, Time TBC ANZAC Day Parade & Service Burnie CBD and West Park Cenotaph

Latest News March 2nd, 2022


Burnie Australia Day Service, January 26th, 2022


Latest News March 14, 2022

Information regarding the design and construction of the new Band room.

Well, well,well, you can totally disregard the good news presented to you on March 2nd about the band room. On March 10th, the band received a bomb shell from the Burnie City Council announcing that the cost of actually building the required amendments to the new band room design could not be afforded by the council. Below is an article from the Advocate newspaper on Saturday, March 12, 2022, detailing the current situation.

In the very same edition of the Advocate newspaper, there was an article trumpeting a $500,000 election promise made to another North West Coast brass band from the federal oppostion, towards improving that bands own band room facilities. Obviously we are very happy for the Latrobe band, but the shear irony of these two outcomes appearing in the same issue of the Advocate and the contrasting fortunes of both bands in relation to their band rooms would not be lost on anyone.


Latrobe Federal Band receive $500,000 election promise towards band room facilities (Saturday, March 12, 2022, The Advocte Newspaper.

Listen to the latest interview regarding the band room saga with band secretary Rebecca Wells from ABC Radio (Northern Tasmania) 

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