Members Section


About Us

Current Band Members

Office Bearers

Frank Scolyer Trophy


Music Library



Upcoming Events and Engagements
When What Where
Saturday April 23rd, 2022, 12PM-3PM Autumn Festival Burnie Rhododendron Gardens
Monday April 25th, 2022, 10:40AM ANZAC Day Parade & Service Burnie CBD and West Park Cenotaph

Latest News April 15th, 2022

Congratulations to our Easter Raffle Winners and a HUGE thank you to the many people far and wide who supported our raffle this year. Great appreciated!     1st Prize - B. Jackson     2nd Prize - A. Wyllie     3rd Prize - A. Airey

To catch up on news regarding the relocation of the band to a new bandroom to make way for a UTas development on our current site, go to the Archives section

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